Inés Masip Rojas.
Creative Copywriter. 
Tel:+34 680 616 004
The mere fact of doing will let us grow as artisans,
as humans, and as a nation.

(ES) Bluecoat es una ginebra craft elaborada en Filadelfia. Y para explicar su origen y el valor de su elaboración artesanal, quisimos hacerle un homenaje a la artesanía y a Estados Unidos.

Creamos la bandera norteamericana a través de los elementos más representativos de distintas disciplinas artísticas y presentamos una serie de videos de making of, que mostraban cómo se habían creado las gráficas, a la vez que presentaban una reflexión sobre cada una de las distintas disciplinas representadas.

(EN) Bluecoat is a craft gin made in Philadelphia. We wanted to pay homage to both its artisanship and the United States by explaining its origins and the value of its artisan production.

We recreated the American flag using the most representative elements of different artistic disciplines, and presented a series of making-of videos. These videos not only showed how the print ads were created, but also reflected each of the different artistic disciplines.

Project: United We Create
Client: Bluecoat
Agency: &Rosàs
Creative Director: Nacho Ginestra
Art Director: Oriol Castellar
Copy: Inés Masip